Chopper Slips On Wood Injuring Tailbone

Hazard Alert

Chip Truck Trailer Slipped Over Back-Stop

While dumping a load of chips, the back of the chip trailer slipped over the back-stop, damaging the bumper and back end of the trailer.

The probable cause is the driver failed to lower the airbags on the trailer, causing it to go over the back-stop.

Recommendations to Prevent a Recurrence

Ensure the air bags have been deflated and the chip trailer is tight to the back-stop.

Goals of the FSSNS

  • Save lives and reduce injuries.
  • Reduce all costs associated with work place accidents.
  • Improve profits.
  • Maintain compliance with regulatory bodies.
  • Manage and establish ownership of industry managed loss control programs.
  • Reduce Workers' Compensation rates.
The Forestry Safety Society of Nova Scotia is registered under the Societies Act of Nova Scotia. It is a separate entity, having a Memorandum of Association and By-Laws. The Society is governed by a Board of Directors, representing all sectors of the forest industry.