Compressed Air

Hazards Identified
Dust and flying debris, injection (skin penetration, noise

Hazard-Specific Personal Protective
Safety glasses, goggles or face shield, hearing protection, gloves and coveralls

Hazard-Specific Training
Training by a competent person

Safe Work Practice

  • A First Aid Kit and Eye Wash Station must be on site.
  • Make sure that other workers in the area are aware of the hazard or have restricted access to the area.
  • To avoid injection hazard, do not use compressed air to clean clothes.
  • Use the correct air supply hoses for the tool or equipment being used.
  • All hose connections for shop tools (up to ½ inch lines) must be of the quick disconnect type.
  • All hose connections must be secured to the hose with proper crimping clips.  Do not use hose clamps.
  • Check hoses for cuts, bulges or other damage.  Replace or repair damaged or defective hoses.
  • Do not exceed rated pressure for any component in the system.
  • Turn off and lock out compressor and relieve pressure in line before repairing or maintaining the system.
  • Operate and maintain compressor and tools according to manufacturer’s instructions.

For a mobile compressor:

  • Chock wheels to ensure stability before turning on the compressor.
  • For hoses larger than 1.2 inch, ensure that connections are secure and wired together before use.
  • Before refuelling, turn off the compressor and allow the engine to cool.  Refuel outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.  Store and transport fuel in a proper container.

Regulations, Standards and References
Occupational Safety General Regulations

Goals of the FSSNS

  • Save lives and reduce injuries.
  • Reduce all costs associated with work place accidents.
  • Improve profits.
  • Maintain compliance with regulatory bodies.
  • Manage and establish ownership of industry managed loss control programs.
  • Reduce Workers' Compensation rates.
The Forestry Safety Society of Nova Scotia is registered under the Societies Act of Nova Scotia. It is a separate entity, having a Memorandum of Association and By-Laws. The Society is governed by a Board of Directors, representing all sectors of the forest industry.